5 Reasons Why Organic Search is Better than Paid Search
For effective online marketing today, website owners diversify, using essential features and tools like AdWords and the major social media platforms. When they get good SERPs results with the use of promotions and ads on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and other sites, they wonder if good organic search results have lost their value.
Yet experienced web marketers report that organic search still outperforms traffic generators, driving between one-half and two-thirds of web traffic to both B2B and B2C business sites.
Five Reasons Why Organic Search is Still Better than Paid Search
Five major reasons why organic search still triumphs over paid search in driving greater volumes of web traffic to business sites include the following:
1. Organic Search Rates Top Performance. Organic searches still deliver higher rates of relevant web traffic to sites. Although some paid search ads may bring greater sales conversions, the total marketed audience volumes returned to sites by these ads is much less. For long-term, consistent results, the paid search produces far less overall targeted traffic for websites.
2. Superior Website SEO Supports Good Organic Search Results. If your website design includes top-quality SEO, like easy navigation, fast loading time, customer-oriented keyword use and excellent user experience, your organic search results should soar. With a reliable responsive site that is easily and fully accessed on all digital device screens, you should see optimal increases in relevant traffic. A quality virtual assistant to handle customer service is also a definite plus, leading to greater conversion numbers.
3. Social Media Ads Have Limitations for Organic Search Results. Although Facebook ads are designed to drive visitors to your site, they do not promote customer loyalty. While Twitter does encourage customer loyalty, it does not generate post traffic. Most Pinterest users cannot be wooed away from that site unless it is obvious that your website sells something that they want or need. While paid ads on social media do attract visitors to your site, they will not often bring these individuals back for a second visit. However, using good keywords and other organic SEO strategies in your online content both attracts new targeted site traffic and develops loyal customers.
4. Organic Search Visitors Have Lower Bounce Rates. General search results show that web users who access your business site through an organic search tend to linger on your site and explore its different pages. They are also more likely to make return visits than those who arrive via paid searches. Even if you currently gain more than half of your web traffic from Facebook, you will need to keep paying for Facebook ads to keep up this visitor rate.
5. Good Organic Search Strategies Keep Working for You. When your web content displays quality SEO techniques and strategies, it continues to work for you over time. The same tactics that brought you your early search results and customers will keep producing relevant visitors from the volume of SERPs that they enable your site to appear in. In addition, when web users view your site in multiple search results in their area of interest, they gain confidence in visiting your website, viewing your products or services and making purchases.